Sustainable aerial photography for construction and infrastructure projects:-
During each 7 hour monthly aerial photoshoot flight operation we photograph multiple projects (see map). It`s probably unfeasible for a drone operator to do more than two projects in a day travelling by car, with all the expense & polution caused by road traffic, hold ups, breakdowns, accidents etc whereas we travel directly to each site `as the crow flys` and not having to follow curvy roads.
Time on site? with a drone there`s induction time, you`ll be on site for say 1-3 hours perhaps, with a maximum flying time of between 15-60 mins. We typically do 2 circuits of each project & typically on scene at each for 2-3 mins photographing the project fully from all angles with incredibly powerful cameras to provide our clients with 30+ very high resolution photos.
As we don`t enter sites, there`s no disruption to site operations nor safety issues either.
There are many locations where it`s illegal for drones to operate such as airports, prisons, nuclear installations, within 50 metres of railways, over live motorways etc, and all the issues associated with flying in city centres too, which don`t apply to us – what`s not to like?
Why not give us a try, I`m sure you`ll be really impressed not only with the service, but also the incredible high quality and resolution of our photos. – the professional aerial photographer of choice for the construction industry
#theprofessionalaerialphotographerUK #professionalaerialphotographeratitsbest #aerialphotographerUK #sustainableaerialphotography