360 photo condition surveys
A Photo Condition Survey provides a detailed photographic record of the condition of a property or site, typically undertaken prior to major construction works commencing. We have carried out numerous photographic condition surveys and dilapidation surveys for property and construction companies and have frequently made use of both still photographs and 360 degree technology.

Condition Survey Manchester
Above is an example of a photograph produced as part of a conditions survey carried out by 360photosurvey.com, the actual image provided to the client was captured in extremely high resolution to reveal the maximum amount of detail.
360 conditions surveys are a very effective way of immersing viewers in the scene. This type of photography, which is one of our specialities gives an excellent representation of the space being surveyed.
At 360photosurvey.com we have a huge body of experience of working in the construction sector, undertaking many large and prestigious projects, both in Great Britain and internationally. 360photosurvey.com are able to produce highly detailed photographic records at all stages of the project cycle, starting from project commencement, during the course of the project and on through to completion.
Recent examples of our work, including videos can be viewed on the `News/Other` tabs on the 360photosurvey.com website.
Call us now on FREEphone 0800 716 703 to discuss your project [or via our contact form]. We`re more than happy to discuss your project with you out of office hours and weekends too if this is more convenient for you.